
I have a passion for creating and looking after gardens that bring joy as well as benefitting wildlife. These are some of the services I offer:

– Planting Design. This can be the whole garden or just a section. My style veers towards bold and wild with a focus on plants that are beneficial to wildlife.
– Garden renovation
– Pruning shrubs and trees. I take care to prune at the correct time of year and only pruning if there is a good reason to.
– Selective weeding. This means that I know the name of every plant I weed out of the ground. You might have plants that you would like to self seed to create a natural effect and I take that into account
– Dividing plants to increase numbers and keep them healthy
– Cutting back perennials at the right time of year. This usually happens between Autumn and Spring. Some perennials are best left over Winter as they have attractive seedheads and provide vital food and habitat for wildlife.
– Creating/enlarging beds to help you get more out of your garden
– Helping you to make your garden more wildlife friendly and diverse- some ideas that can be incorporated are ponds, log piles, wildflower meadows, compost bins and bug hotels
– I am also a vegetable gardener and can help you create a food growing space. I am experienced with both annual and perennial vegetable and fruiting plants.

Please do get in touch with your requirements.

  • Wildlife Garden Design